哦……罪案不是悬疑oh my god不是推理……所以就可以一整部剧都找不到真相抓不到凶手所以就可以拖了一整部剧才把男主救出来 女律师本来觉得还挺有正义感挺好的结果就感情用事葬送自己一生的律师事业你让我说什么好呢……就编剧开心就好 拍得很高级很有隐喻但就是对我来说好无聊好难看
there is big difference between truth and fiction. fiction has to be make sense. why Aniston could end up well only in a movie? why Scarlett Johnhanson would end up alone in every movies but married in reality? This is the difference between fiction and r